Saturday, November 26, 2005
{ 12:05 AM }
the time now is 12.05am nov 26.
haha. i'm finally legally 16.
there's nothing special about sweet 16 luh.
gotta work on my birthday
there's something i'm extremely happy about is that :
my mom say she will let me take up TENNIS LESSONS!!!
bwhaha. i thought she wont agree on me taking up tennis cos of the price
-prances around in glee.
hmm. but the problem is i cant find time for that
but never mind! shall take a look at the rackets someday.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
{ 1:17 AM }

went cathy cinleisure to watch harry potter and the goblet of fire with peixian and tiff-fi.
quite okay but wished if it could last longer then 2.5 hours.
haha. there's some funny parts also.
not to miss out the sad parts too when cedric died!
thereafter, walk around hereen taka and wisma [still kinda obsessed with cedric when the moive ended 60 mins ago] before having dinner at kfc.
shrooms burger was nice ((:
was supposed to have a drink at paragon's coffee bean. but dint. hah
bwah haha. brought 2 shirts today

the abercrombie one.

and the minnie mouse one.

strawberry shortcake at bishan junction8


there's some more of her at the level 1 open space but dint manage to take the photos
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
{ 12:37 AM }
watched exorcism of emily rose on 16nov
with my lovelies and lovelove's otherhalf
hmm. was quite okay.
ate carl's jr (:
bwah haha.
soorry for the lack of updates cos i've been very lazy to blog recently.
shannon's 17th birthday
after working, went lovelove's house for sleepover
had prata supper at jalan kayu
-double grinns
cheese prata meehoon goreng milo dino indian rojak
and as usual. i gained weight.
mommy dearest got me a new phone
cos my previous samsung E-700A's LCD was spoilt and she borrowed nokia 7250 from her friend for me to use. but have to return soon
so, i got the new flip phone.
nokia 6101
i'll try to find the phone picture to upload here.
probably sometime later.
laze around
work shift starts at 5pm at novena
quite a number of off days last week but not for this week.
had to work on my birthday also.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
{ 1:40 AM }
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
{ 11:50 PM }
uh! it was a devastatingly
good-weather day. superduper gazuperly hot
hmm. yixian whipped out some lunch for us

work shift starts at 4pm.
business was extremely good though
my own conclusion for today:
i shall stop being addicted to junk food which causes a double chin to be formed