Wednesday, March 28, 2007
{ 1:36 AM }
jinhong's birthday.
someone's birthday wish is to clear debts ah. heh.
ben and jerrys debts.
xinghua sweetheart came down on sunday.
mag baoru and hh on mon.
bounce and op today
tmr opening.
new variety of cakes tmr.
cant wait(:
friday my turn for HQ's new cakes samples.
appointment with mr ze after work.
thurs closing.
fri closing.
sat off.
and just received msg from mark.
brotherhood outing on sat!
lol. so so miss them many.
but cant put mr ze aeroplane.
and i've decided to not put his aeroplane.
p/s mr ze: i know i rock. heh. and it was nice of me right.
(: fly kite.
Monday, March 26, 2007
{ 2:33 AM }
met up with precious for town.
so so miss them.
and after effects of hk shopping: addicted to shop. in love with minnie mouse.
chilled out at far east's ya kun.
i so love chilling out.
gym next day
funny things happened.
worked closing
conicident things in the bus on the way to ngee ann
worked closing
mr ting too.
gym then work.
night joke with ty. heh. inside joke.
mr ze; ms ty
received msg from samuel lee.
funny msg.
ngee ann.
fujitsu notebook.
samuel lee's there too.
someone's rich getting lenovo. heh.
saw hongyi (ah. i actually remembered!) and lsct people.
next year lsct=( *signs.
saw sheryl'buddy' and jing jie?(should be that name) lol.
especially mr ze's; random and funny. and .s
opening.overslept. mr ze too.
blading after work at ecp.
rained heavily.
name doesnt work.
heh. inside joke.
chomp chomp for late dinner.
its just nice for a drizzling night.
fried prawn noodles. bbq stingray. bbq chicken wings. chee kuays. sugarcane. soursop.
mr ze's jealous of hk photos.
chilled out at cityhall.
marina square. citylink's gelare with wee.
waffles. (:
hmv;lily allen((:
opening's exhausting.
phone's filp area spoilt after dropping.
pm cockroach fixed it and even lent me his phone.
lol. ah wah here wah there. omg
tuition thereafter.
bishan breadtalk and saw yuri.
rained heavily when going back.
tee fits well on mr ze.
hahah. and a photo from hk.
the rest at later time.

Monday, March 19, 2007
{ 3:40 AM }
hongkong photos will be up real soon(:
gymming tmr.finally!:D
it takes time.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
{ 2:03 AM }
in a few hours, hong kong!
i gona carry mr ting's runaway zinc bag with him inside to hongkong.
lol. random
and i so miss
my precious jems; amanda tiffany allison. jiawei. mark hao shiyun sarah jem bryan aloy yimin andrea
and i gona miss the
working people; mr boss and other team mates.
mr ting
though its only for a few days, but there's a saying: absence makes the heart grow fonder.(:
miss you all, precious ones.
Friday, March 09, 2007
{ 1:46 AM }
lol. gna do a random post.
2 weeks before's chingay night, headed to Casaueden The BLVD after work.
Wuhao gave me a ride dwn.with Angie too.(:
we sorta lost our way.
to get lost n spore, not a good sign.
Dinner was delicious.
company's big big big big big boss lives there.
mediacorp's artists too.
condo's facilities done by mom's co.
ok. i'd say its a random post anw.
random post with random photos.
Chinese Lunar New Year Day 2:

lil sissys.
how cute[:

difference: big face and small face.
similiarity: fish ball face
{ 1:39 AM }
flash back memories.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
{ 1:03 AM }
hahaha. PPG(powerpuffgirls)'s closing!
*heh. inside joke*
and, its Yuri's last day at Bishan.
quite sad though.
we had photos taken too(:
Rhea and me were 'camera shy'.
hahah. another inside joke.
and mr boss kept laughing about my new haircut.
he's going back to his overseas home till next week.
how sad.
Posting results out!
got into ngee ann(:
appealed for engineering.
no biomedical science for me:(
shopping at bugis thereafter.
and it became Mr Nice Guy's shopping day instead.
He almost got a photography tee at $28.
then, he got a bag. when im still empty handed.
Finally, got myself 2 more vintage tees(:
hey dude, im fast ok. muhahaha.
ok. thats random.
hahah. both of us will make good advertisers ambassors.
Snapple bottles. lol
Take-away strawberry strudel
someone got his baby milo toy at Icon.
Went back Bugis Junction.
Vintage mickey cap!
and that yellow adiddas jacket.
Headed to CityHall Marina Sq
went there for miss selfridge.
but dint managed to get anything from there.
Got a tee at Fourskin(:
Mr Nice Guy said he will make me a lego toy chain(:oh! we saw this cute mickey and minnie jigsaw figurine.
will get it soon(:
and that Ripcurl cap!
Saw Renfred Ng, Campus SuperStar I there.
Lol. then, we became indecisive about whether to watch a moive or have buffet dinner.
it was funny.
Watched Just Follow Law.
Lol. it was draggy. random and dramatic for some parts.
and almost freezing in the cinema.
thanks for the jacket[:Had Thai Express thereafter.
hahah. and pisang and tapioca for dessert.
Then, home sweet home[:
but someone went to ton instead as tmr's his off day.
and he's going blading, to enjoy. =( while im at work.
Got that Puma sweater, finally. during lunch break(:
Mr Nice Guy lost his a-day-old's baby milo.
and he's having fever.
Anw, 'Sweetheart' XingHua will be turning 18th in a few hrs.
omg. bleagh
Friday, March 02, 2007
{ 3:32 AM }
live life to the fullest. (:
as i still like you. like i used to be in the past.
time is the only solution for forget.
heartbreaking memories
Thursday, March 01, 2007
{ 2:45 AM }
my heart aches alot whenevr i think of you.
and you dint even see my presence.