Sunday, July 22, 2007
{ 11:02 PM }
worked closing yesterday with lijun at pizza counter.
mom went eastpoint with shawn's parents auntyalica auntyconnie to support shawn for some campus superstar event.
aunty jessy so cute; that day before the revival round, she asked me if i can go down and watch campus superstar live with them. and she was like i didnt see you for quite some time eh.
yesterday's closing was super funny.
ps to faiz: i didnt see anything lah -.-
and oh! it was wah's birthday yesterday. but he was on leave(i think)
lol. ah yee and jizette was giving that ITS-AH-WAH'S-BIRTHDAY-AHEM look to me.
harun's poking; haziq's chocolatemilkshake(: faiz's stares and big butt knock; lijun's conversation; yang's teases.
was supposed to join faiz harun haziq sharil and all for soccer this morning.
but venue was at boon lay-.-
this week's cprog written test!
F1 competition at ngee ann:D
so many things. too little time.
{ 10:09 PM }
1A7; Steph's and Zoe's achievement :D

Truffles: 1st in electric car competition
lol. while looking at truffles, wondering if will it transform like what bumble bee did. :D
Saturday, July 21, 2007
{ 4:07 PM }
24 hours a day is not enough for you.
was flipping through some magazines the other day and saw this in the horoscope section under my sign.
haha. was quite true though.
had two presentations straight in a day on thursday.
which sums up both my IS modules. :D:D
and i have two maths tutorials to rush.
eltech too. sigh. procrastination is in me again.
ty hongyi dominic px markkino mag jin tecksheng zherui jerald weijie poon ducky MEsamuel
midori luyee SeniorCharles hao
i had pms mood swings yesterday and was kinda pissed off with kian hong and all.
desomondkoh darrentan benyeo fionaxie came ngee ann for tv variety Hey Gorgeous.
took photos with both darren and desmond(:
stayed back in school to watch it before going vivo to catch a moive: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoneix. with weiliang and boonchuan.
bused 61 down to vivo. conversations were HAHA LOL DASH DOT DASH.
the air cons in gv vivo had full blasting temp which made my nose blocked and weiliang thought i was crying when im trying to sneeze.
and he almost suffocate me to death with his towel.
sushi tei for dinner thereafter.
hahah. funny how green tea can make you blush.
ps to weiliang: im not blushing after the green tea, its the after effects of playing volleyball and basketball under a 12noon-1pm sun.
anyway, harry potter fans should go watch harry potter and thr order of the phoneix(:
rating: 4/5; from the potter's fan :D
AND OH! watched transformer the week before with mag meng tecksheng jin arif jerald and beatrice(:

rating 5/5. even though the transformations effects were done super speedily and kinda confusing but the film effects' i must comment were so out of this world man.
i had some side effects of feeling giddy after the moive.
Overall, the movie has a great balance of knicks and knacks. The story revolves around several characters who are brought together when the alien robots (Transformers) land on Earth. The movie starts like a modern-day desert war drama, with US soldiers in Qatar being attacked by a helicopter that changes into a gun-toting robot.
Next, the Pentagon war-game territory where we find Secretary of Defence John Keller (Jon Voight) seeking help from civilian experts to try and make sense of the data from Qatar. Of course, nothing is supposed to make sense - yet.
And on the other hand, 11th grader Sam Witwicky (Shia LeBeouf) telling his class about his explorer grandpa and buying a beat-up yellow Camaro so that he can impress school mate Mikaela (Megan Fox) into going out with him. and that the Camaro is actually an Autobot named Bumble Bee.(:
Before unravelling the war between the protective Autobots, led by Optimus Prime (voice of Peter Cullen), and the evil Decepticons led by Megatron, there's some more comic relief before we get to the main action pieces; which comes in the form of a cute little robot that causes havoc on Air Force One.
and before the war, the awe-factor were spiced with dollops of humour as well.
Optimus Prime and his Autobots are not just awesome to behold, they possess human qualities like courage, compassion and wit as well.
And yes, their actions will make you cheer, laugh and probably shed some tears.
pretty bumblebees :D

Sunday, July 15, 2007
{ 2:42 AM }
5 one two zero 0 6.
champ days(:

trophies love

Young Adults; Girl Guides Association
Friday, July 13, 2007
{ 4:37 AM }
Today; some ME division sports awareness in late afternoon.
IS-Comt ended at 3pm and met Weiliang and Thomas at blk 50.
walked to canteen 2 with them; saw Figo and Peixian on the way(:
Thomas left. Then saw the friend of Weiliang and Mitcher.
Met Mitcher Jieliang and Kianhong at gate 2. and walked to Bukit Timah Plaza for pool.
LOL. i kept laughing. conversations were damn HAHA LOL DASH DOT DASH. (:
(learnt that from ken. x) heh)
Thereafter, went back canteen 2 to meet up with the rest of 1A7 and headed down to kismiss with our jerseys(:
won both captain's ball and soccer but only got 1st runner up for soccer. captain ball victory was only counted for number of balls caught :/
had a very fulling buffet dinner with pizza hut.
walked to the bus stop near bukit timah market and saw karmun hady and and. haha! i forgot the name. a ME senior.

take1. jieliang turned. not nice

take2. a little messy

lol. ravin!

lol. i dont know what was this for. steph took it


advisor Mr Lek :D:D

1A7 VS 1A6

lol. i dont know whats with weiliang's face

1st Runner-Up for soccer; 1A7 (:


my name glowed! :D:D

Steph's too. (:



Wednesday, July 11, 2007
{ 11:15 PM }
yesterday was haiting's birthday. and the day before was weiliang's.
on monday, went/rushed down bishan pasta to get pizza done for haiting and weiliang.
was an hour late for cprog and mr otp was like 'Why are you so late?'
i told him i overslept. and he was like 'Something's fishy'. lol. i exclaimed that 'Really! Really! i'd overslept(:'
Went Canteen 1 and saw Figo.
and when about to leave canteen 1, mitcher boss called me over to where he was, with his friend.
the friend whom weiliang saboed me in the face of his presence last friday; and who is also the person that told me my drawing of the ngee ann font for shoebag sux :/
when i went over, mitcher was already telling him i made pizza for weiliang -.-
his tone was too much of emphasis on WEILIANG. in which i did one for haiting too. :/
the friend's face was like with that-weiliang yeh-face. and the next reaction of his was 'Why didnt do one for me on my birthday?!' i asked when's his birthday and he told me its long over, its in feb. -.- lol
Bused back with mag after school(:

no monday blues [:
yesterday; had eg1 maths
went back bishan and completed 2 maths tutorials for self study.(:
today's cousin aloysius bithday
and i think i've gained like 2kg after so much food just now!
seafood blackpepperchicken greenvegs noodles cake
hahah lol.
and magnum senior sue's birthday today also(:
hookkay.let the photos do the talking too(:

lil cussie's so cute :D



little cussie (:


elder cussie
Sunday, July 08, 2007
{ 2:12 AM }
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
{ 11:07 AM }
lol. okay im like having maths tutorial now.
just had ecpro presentation during ecpro class; which it went well(:
gawd. doing trigonometry tutorial with the sin, cos, tan and all.
includes 3 new trigo ratios; csc, sec, cot. -.-
yesterday was waterpolo ivp.
master played for nyp(:
and ngee ann was against nanyang waterpoloers-.-
rah yimin and aloi came:D
but nyp lost and master's disappointed that he proclaimed its the worst competition he ever played.
its okay mark! play well for the next comp(:
and, goob job ngeeann! :D
we took photos too! X)
stayed and watch republic against temask.
republic's did well for 1st half of match, but didnt stay for the rest.
we then left for dinner(:
as usual, bus 52 took like million years to come.
finally it came, and we're sorta slighly over-nosiy passengers. :p
aloi's emoness, with mark's gayin and all. :D GAWD!
bishan's pastamania; faiz's working.
lol. i think hes gona get me back with the teases cause i teased him so much yesterday :x
and and we went to the arcade to drive!
hahaha. no! i didnt drive(:
aloi always wanna compete snow map with me.
and i will always do the opposite; by competing carpark map with him (X
the feeling of meeting up and chilling out with good o' friends is love(:
tmr dinner with loves!(:
photos will be uploaded soon!
ps: good luck for your a's chinese orals today, rah :D