Friday, February 29, 2008
{ 1:06 AM }
first day learnt to sautee pasta. woo
The long awaited GL Training. one station's where we have to stand on chairs and transfer the eggs. forfeit was that the eggs that dropped on to the track, we must put in on either the forehead, nose or cheek. and it was super dumb of me cause i didnt know the forfeit details and i went to lick the egg yolk from the blue track.
GROSS. and people who saw were stunned. adora was like o.o OMG ZOEEE!! NOOO.
On the 25th, Babylove came down Takashimaya and some incident happened which almost cost my left eye to go blind. TSKTSK.
And congrats to LolliLove and her love for some offical stuff yo. (:
and i missed ChocoLove for not seeing her for a few days. like she got smile when she sees my messages. LOL!
BabyLove came to my place and we went Takashimaya. Had fever when i was at Takashimaya yesterday. Worked closing with MeLoveeMagChocoLove. and TehXiangGong was with her. i miss him so! Walked with her to FarEast while waiting for BabyLove. Thanks for fattening me up for the past few days! MEH!
Today's opening at Taka. Someone overslept eh. Hahah!
And opening was slightly diffcult for me cause i was feeling super giddy.
Cold Storage besides TheBrownieFactory sells HOT PINK ROSES! PINK, RED, ORANGE DAISIES! AND THE ROMANTIC RED ROSES. Chio to the max!wOrzxZXZxss. hahaha!
and tmr's the 29thFeb. Leap day of leap year.
something's gona be offical!
i wanna hear your long letter ah.
Friday, February 15, 2008
{ 7:34 PM }
from strangers to someone close to someone dear.
a perfect mismatch for a perfect pair of strangers;
not much concern but only one word replies now.
what.ok.cant.dont know.sorry.see how.
no more calling of Baby. when you first called me, it felt weird,then. kinda. but i cant admit its so sweet of you. after many a times, the feeling is just so. hmm. cute. really.
no more waking up, and first thing in the morning, to able to see the sweet little cute message. which mean alot. as it may not appear as great as what others see, just a little message of Good Morning Bon, made me day so much delightful.
Still, im looking forward to the 18th. (:
Now my turn to say: IM SO INTO YOU HON.
anyway, i thought i was gona die on my way to meet Bon yesterday to pass him the presents.
Hahaha! cause on the way there, walking on the road, i had this kinda-like-blacked-out feeling, like on the verge of collapsing cum fainting. aka oxygen deprived.
scary! imagine if i did collapse, brain dead, gosh. i'll have so many regrets and things undone in this life.
wait. do i smell a dreaded sympton coming my way?
You say I am like a child
Always love to make you guess
I say you are the one who is like a child
Always needing me to say it before you understand
Some things are too fast
Loses waiting
No expectation
Our love
How can it be natural?
Every time we cannot communicate
Then you have to leave
Then say that you must not love
I have fallen down the cliff of love
Fallen too deeply, I can't climb back out
The speed of falling is too fast
Too late to set foot on the future
Your love lingers again and again
Disturbing my breathing rhythm
How should I run away?
I cannot control it
I have fallen down the cliff of love
Recalling your cuteness
Foolishly still waiting
Thinking that you will still come back
Your face slowly leaves
Time will soon bury me
Disappearing too fast
I cannot bear it i hope you wont walk too far away from me.
cause for now, i'll be standing firm at this very place. where you can see me.
to wait for you.

{ 12:58 AM }
i dont know why i like you.
my me-to-you chemistry is still running, what about you-to-me?
cause it seems like its fading.
i dont know.
i dont wanna it to fade.