Sunday, May 25, 2008
{ 6:06 PM }
CT's coming in a weeks' time and im still not concentrating on my revision yet.
my concentration level was so low that when i start 30minutes of revision, i'll start to ponder away. a moment ago, im thinking of and craving for teppanyaki and jco donuts.
Anyway, The Boyfriend is helping me to restrict on my sometimes-unpredictable-diet.
Last friday's training was like a shiok only. We had the what was called to be NIGHTMARE PT. Endurance was almost max-ed but so long as we relax and not think about pain, we will survive all odds! ENDURANCE IS GOLDEN! TRICEPS.BICEPS.DEFINED ABS. coming my way!
Before nightmare P.T., we had stunts training. And as i cant jump for nuts, Ryan helped my base to push me off the ground from my ankles. i flew(literally). for that few seconds in air, i totally lost grip of my base's wrists, panicked and in addition of not locking, i screamed.
Embarrassing to the max only.
Yesterday, 24May, GERALDINA ADORA TECKSHENG FELICIA MAG KEN FAIZ SYAK JIEPING CHENGFENG BENLIM SAMUEL and Me went RafflesShokudu to celebrate Felicia's Birthday.
Baby and me got her a fighting fish. (: Upon passing her the present in a bag, Felicia: What is this? Is it eggs.
And she opened the bag, Felicia: AHHH! FISHFISHFISH!
Comical to the max. Hahah!

Notice Syak.

And finally, the first photo in my camera with my face in it. The previous ones were all Mag&Ken's. Lol!

Adora's expression was classic to the max! (x

Okaay. Again. Lol.

Crap. I didnt sensored off that!

Girls power only! (:



Guess whos! :D

Jieping's candid



L to the O to the V to the E, MUH BOO! (;

Classic only. Look at Trey.

iLove! XOXOXOs('*')

Thereafter, Indochime with Boyfriend

Dragonfruit dessert with Lychee Martini