Wednesday, December 17, 2008
{ 1:09 AM }
now that CTs are over, plans for working, shopping, chilling out, guitaring, dancing, photographing are being noted down in my schedule. oh! and "projecting" for my lovely F1 car. Great! *Insert roll eyes.* Aha.
After Engineering Design paper last friday, 12th, the catalouge for shaft, bearings, whatever crap related to, was still running in my head. Haha! Like D90LN and SKF 6305. Yeah all funny looking weirdy weird codes. Still, i think i will do badly for the paper somehow.
Something random. up record, i didnt meet up with loveeeeeee for like 2 weeks, and its weird. i miss you MAGGIEEE TAN XIANG YE. :) p.s: i miss stayovers with you!
anyway, im meeting up with the BBFs; Best Bimbos Forever this friday at lovelove, thy famous Bimbo's place.
So, before CT week, Y.X, P.X and Yours Truly :D was invited on Wei Jian's guest list, to FleshImp partayeee at Zouk. The theme was Electric Pop, and for the thrill of it, i dressed for theme, kinda. way before the event, earlier in the afternoon, was still deciding to attend or not; revisions for CTs!! also, Boo told me, and actually, let me go. and there i am, 8pm met up with P.X, went down Wisma to meet Y.X and WeiJian. Saw Youying in the train, and was on his way to PHUTURE. Lol.
Cab queue at Wisma was super long, Takashimaya too. So we walked down to Cineleisure. While at Takashimaya's traffic junction to Meritus Mandrian, 3 of them were walking infront, when lucky me, walking behind, turned, facing the traffic, scanned through, taxis were all having red HIRED sign. and something green caught my eye. TAXI!! Haha. the scene of us four running to the cab was damn hilarious to max.
After boarding, WeiJian went like, "Uncle, to Zouk." Uncle,"Zoo?" LMAO TO MAX PLEASE. HAHAHA.
At Zouk, being under guest list. Hoho! the feeling was good. cause we dont have to queue! I saw Marvin there, and the first thing he said to me was, "Dont need study for CTs?" I stoned for a while and was like GeeHeehee!
Before event started, i "psychoed" P.X to queue for PHUTURE with me cause PHUTURE was too tempting for me.
After queueing for ten minutes, Y.X called. Left the queue and joined her at Zouk. Got our free flow of Tigers. Soon, event started, hot models catwalked and danced under different categories, 98.7FM DJs were there too. P.X was only looking at this one guy model. HAHAHA! After performance and all, Zouk's style of music played out. For that instance, i regretted not continuing to queue for PHUTURE. 10 minutes later, P.X told me she regretted too.
Before the performance, after getting a bottle of Tiger, we went out to the entrance, new friend, Simonette, was asking me wanna go phuture. and i felt kind of werid cause at the time, i have the feeling the tickets were sold out. still, i went with her, hoping for last hope. haha. so both of us left and walked over to phuture. i was thinking, "no queue?" and we stood in front of the entrance. Sign" Tickets sold out". and Simonette was still standing there. hahaha! i went like, "eh, sold out". and she was like,"uh. how you know." Lol! By the way, she's taller than me.
After, we queued up for food. Manager William drunkily treat us to sausages. and i randomly went like, "i want CHEEEESSSSEEE sausage. i want CHEEESSSEE." And this guy infront turned back. and guess what i did. i stoned at him and said, "I WANT CHEESEEEE."
wooo. Wordy long post yeh. here are the pictures :)

original photo "koped" from Simonette but i edited it. heh!

i was looking for this photo in my camera cause i thought i had a photo with Y.X. and it wasnt in my camera. but when i download the photos to the desktop, it was there.
and i think this photo rocks my socks. note: not photographer. Hahah!

The edited ones.

Thursday, December 04, 2008
{ 6:14 AM }
On 25th evening, mom brought cake back for my advance birthday celebration..

with the small ones around.
26th morning, i went to get mag's laptop from her for CAM test. Upon reaching school, at Block 50, switched on laptop. The way to classroom, i stoned for 5 minutes cause i saw this when logged in.

i was totally to expect Ken and her photo to pop out for the wallpaper. hahah!
thanks love! it was really sweeettt. XOXOs.
Later that afternoon, met up with neo for his lunch. which was hilarious cause he said im your slave for your birthday today, Queen. and he accompanied me to walk to my classroom after. how sweet too. (:

With Neo.
Two things like that makes me wish, if only everyday is my birthday. heh heh!
After school, met up with Peixian, Yixian and Tiffany for my birthday dinner :D

Lol. The "tweety" inside joke.

*tweet tweet tweett*

see that hamster-friend-of-mine-cheeky-smile-up-to-no-good.

K-Cube with 2 dudes, quoted from Haziq and Faiz.

And the 19th guys joke. uh huh. :D

Boooohonhon times after was short enough ):
Sorry to spend the little time boo. ily, hugs.