Friday, February 20, 2009
{ 3:46 PM }
Pre Exam Treats!
Willy's Birthday at Phuture, 13Feb'09

bringing sexy back

the dog. Lol!

siblings yeaaa. Lol!

Zul got wasted that fasssst righhht

drank at Zouk first before going over Phuture, this 3 were like talking explictly to max.
with Geraldina around, theres not yet a un-explict moment.
tiao ni neh neh ccb, boss! Lol.

now the "lovey dovey"



now the not-so-"lovey dovey".


Ben's dog face.

Saw Sean Seah and Yee Seng at the dancefloor.
Like a packed sardine!

p.s: Focus on Jared's face. Lol! and Gerard's actions.

After, cab down to Pasir Ris area with Jan and Ben. and Ben's friend. Cause my kuku friend, Haziq Lim's birthday chalet is there. Left the place like 7am, and I was like a zombie. Went home to get stuffs for the bazzar before leaving for kat's place. Mr Han Quan was the driver for our bazzar errands. Big commotion at kat's place because of my retarded lift incident. Mag kept laughing non stop because my face was damn classic. Rah! all the barang barangssss with me and I haven got time to press the button okay! okay. anyways, that incident made kat's laughter almost tore down her block lo! Hahahaaa.
Sooo it was my first time doing the bazaar thingy with the girliesss exclude bimbo.
Left the place around noon time then went back again. the weather's like drizzle a bit then burning hot. crazyily hot!
Went off around late afternoon for work at far east. and working in a F&B Outlet during Vday is like insane. insanely tired. and yes, closing till 3am with L.S.H again.
KO once got home and cleaned up. Its like woah a full day without any sleep. and to think of it, its kind of fun doing this once in a long while. hahah. yeaa note the long while :)
and heres our group 3's(Rong Ying, Shem and me) little F1 WASP :)

with Zarina, Suet Ying and Guam's Gazelk

and now for another joke to laugh at the so-called typical zoe.
few days back while at work, outlet chef gave us the new products' checklists. we're supposed to go through them and teach the other cooks. So I was assigned to this new dish. read through then it was my turn to teach. i screwed up like big time. (yes as usual for me. Lol.)
it was supposed to be 'Heat up pan for 10seconds'. And there I went like, "Heat up pan for 10minutes". It was all silence for 5 seconds time and the rest of them burst out into laughters.
Next, it was supposed to be 'add a ladle of sauce'. Guess what I said.
I said, "add 1oz of sauce".
Monday, February 09, 2009
{ 10:13 PM }
2009 Chinese "niu" year :)


Aunt with her nieces.

mom's collegue's son.

random sakae sushi bedroom slippers.
30th Jan, Worked closing shift till 3am with Hao. Sharil, with him, bullied me to max.
after 12midnight, persuaded customers to order pizzas only. RAH.
Whole afternoon stupid Hao kept buzzing around my ears. how evil. after work, got home and couldnt get to sleep. next day zombie zoe appears.
31st Jan at Geraldina's. (and our rockband/wii craze) :D

dora and tecky shen.

me and sam.

Ken's "bubble bubble" inside joke.


After that, went over to Fish's place and continue with WII-ing.
Tennis and DDR for a while, and fell asleep on the sofa, while the rest continues with wii and card games.
Steamboat at Kathy's place with Yap, Bird, Wendy, Mag, Ken and Sam. :)
Anyway, the whole of last week was the busiest of the busiest week, ever.
CAM practical for F1 Model Car, ED Test, Social Psychology presentation, CAM Test, CAD Gearbox project submission.
2nd Feb,

A nude 2N5 Group 3's F1 Car Model.
3Feb; Social Psychology Final presentation.

Ridwuan's shaky hands.

Hee. I'm always ready. :)

My CAD Gearbox folder.

Look at the insane amount of drawings drawn for gearbox's bits and parts. and craps.

"center mouse button for zoom in"
Lol. Suet Ying's inside joke.