Friday, March 13, 2009
{ 12:48 AM }
Names, Numbers and emails had been changed to protect privacy.
:)how sweet of me!
*rolls eyes.
Girl A:
I'm fine. (: How come you lost my email?
my ex gf went crazy and delete almost all the girls. im glad its over now. yea. so im re connecting with all my long lost friends. haha
ex gf? broke up with Girl B ?
yea. still kinda sore :(
Girl A:
aiyo.. what happen?
lol. long story. i tell u more next time. btw u wed free?
Girl A:
nah. i got project to rush. sorry. /:
this week when then. ahaha
Girl A:
not sure. let you know when i'll be free. (:
lol. ok still got my no.?
u havent give me ur email ahaha
Girl A:
i think i lost your number alr. lol..
12345678. haha. u sure u call me when ur free yea. miss u leh
Girl A:
haha yeah (;
Such a awesome cover up, Mr Fellow.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
{ 12:55 AM }
saw this forum thingy online. which goes like
"The judge would have to look into the driver's age too. At such a young age, they will likely to be given a 2nd chance and be puniched lightly. If put into jail at such a age, after he comes out, future all ruined and most probably become another criminal all over again because of no jobs and shelter."
pardon me, he, who the one driving, lied that he was only driving at 60kmh when the crash happened. what about the skid mark the policemen saw ? it was 30m.
and the news reported he was driving at 77-87 kmh. so what, how do you answer to the skid mark?
This the thing that really disgusts me. Covering backsides.
Then again, who cares about some asshole having no jobs in the future when he was a liar and a killer from the very start.
he should not be pitied to get such a light punishment.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
{ 2:08 AM }
Define meaning of justice.
Straits Times.comis taking a life's punishment that cheap?
how on earth did something have a skid mark of 30m, drive at 87 kmh?
how on earth can someone not getting injured from the car accident, have the heart to call insurance company and ask about the damaged car when another person is struggling her life to survive from the wreckage the someone, his own hands created?
if taking a life, accidentally, is only worth the sentence of those smelly money of $5000 from a son of a bitch, and a ban of 3 fucking years of driving, screw law.
why not accidentally knock the son of bitch down and get the exact sentence for taking away the son of bitch's life, whom that son of bitch accidentally killed yeewen.
take that.
and just read from caiwei's blog that the chinese crap newspaper stated that the son of the bitch, who is the bitch that raised up the bastard son, in family terms, his mother, said that she believe that the decease's family had forgave her bastard son.
why not stab yourself in the stomach, pull your intestines out and wrap it around your hollow head and stuff it into your vagina.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
{ 10:55 AM }

Lawrence took this like a cool photo only and i look like a chubby only.
Last day of exams,

Will miss them! :)
Yesterday, had bbq at Steph's place with ex-classmates, as quoted by Daniel. Lol.
Worked the opening shift, and one of male collegue didnt come, so girl power comes in action. Siti and me! After, train down to Lakeside with Helfie to wait for Thomas, K.H and Kah "DA" yong. Went IMM to get the food and all cause our planner.. uh huh. our planner plans the best events! Lol. K.H and me as usual always bickering at each other. Rah!

Thomas's transport.

Zoooom. and we're at Steph's place.

This is Pang. Lol. Hi Boss!

S.K Tan

Pardon for my expression, i was too hungry, and my hair looks so chunkyily yucky after the bath, cause i forgot to bring ze conditioner!

i was figuring out how to open.

we're playing frisbee till it landed nowhere in our hands but on the pool.
Then,Thomas and K.H went for a swim.

Pang said this is a "fierce" photo.


i'll miss tan haiting!

Candid, now you can see whos are the ones who are always ready for the camera. Hahah!

Self timer cameras are the best invention when everyone wants to be the photographer.
Then, we went down to Cathy for movie.

As you can see, 3 and being the only girl, i was bored. & the 2 of them having guys' talk.
I took forever to finish this post cause im half asleep while doing this. Its like 5am, i think. and mom left for China. Just got home from another crazy Saturday at work, then after was month-end stock taking. doned with washing up and the clothes. kbye gotta pack stuffs for hongkong later. and yea, going hongkong with a "hand cast". got my right wrist burnt at work by a hot pan heated up for 20seconds, like a hot pan to cook aglio style pasta. anyhoos, digress a little that i was like seriously freaked out that my hand will be paralysed.

and its like 3cm long burn. :(