Thursday, April 22, 2010
{ 6:30 AM }
21st Apr; Chomps with Weileong and Andrew.
Cravings for PRAWN NOODLES, satisified! (:
And Andrew still broke his "no food after 8pm" rule. heh heh!
22nd Apr; Frolick with Weileong and Andrew after class.
Cravings for FROCLICK, satisified! (:
hahaha i just realised my cravings list like never come to a stop.
Yet again, Andrew broke his rule! So 3 of us ordered the Passion Fruit flavour, with me having Marshmellows for toppings, in which half of it went to Weileong's tummy, Weileong had Kitkats and Andrew-who-wanna-act-healthy, had strawberries. LOL.
It made Weileong craved for Kitkats and we went Fairprice to get the CHUNKY KITKATSS. i emphasised on KITKATSS cause it was on promotion, 2 for price of 1. He shared it with Andrew, while i brought two, and was thinking to give Mag one of it cause we planned to meet after her class. ended up, that Weileong kept hinting me about the Kitkats. and so, he ate 2 bars in the time span of 15mins. and after some discussions, they decided to follow/fetch me to SIM to meet Mag too, cause Eleanor was in the same class as her.
on our way there, i was tempted to buy the MAGNUM GOLD icecream to try it out cause the other night when Maggie stayed over, we wanted to get it. but it was like at 3am, so we decided not to. haha. And sooooo, i brought it in the end. i was a little excited about it for i dont know why. Lol. excitedly opened it in the car, on our way to SIM, I said to both Andrew and Weileong, "Can you guys help me switch on the lights, i wanna see the colour of the icecream."
SOOOO, as expected, both Andrew and Weileong tweeted about it. cause it was yet another bimbo moment from Yours Truly.
We had prata at Thomson after fetching Mag and Eleanor and saw Hua, WenChieh, Lisa and Baoru!
and the list of my bimbo moments continues...
23Apr; Weileong Andrew Joycelyn and I went Geylang for their beef horfun. Which after, we went around the area for "sightseeing"
i would say its very different from the Thailand Patpong's style. haha cause in Singapore, they dont have "MENUS". Quite a eyeopener cause i never seen the Singapore's styles before. LOL!
And that night, instead of heading down Zouk for ZOUK AWARDS, we literally spent our time nuaing, lazing around at Alv's place. naise. and Neo called me cause something happened to him. he said words that made me so pissed and frustrated that i cried as im counselling him.
Sidenote: im trying my best to stay strong in showing my emotions over such matters when comes to the involvement of those around me or whatsoever. (: but anyway, i texted Siti about it as recently those lecture topics we covered, kinda revolve around me once the lecture topic was done. kinda freaky huh. but the main point is im still a "freshmen" when comes to handling it in a professional way! so bare with me cause im still improving as i get familiar with more lectures' case studies.
tataXOXOs, Zoe
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
{ 6:41 AM }
WARNING: A very very long post!NPSSC Sports Camp Impulse 1011

Focus on Pretty "Girl" Trey! LOL.

night station games for day 1

Zixin got tagged for this picture!
and for the 374658375928th time, do we looked that alike? hahaha!

Discussing to do something porno again


campfire preparation


last night of sports camp, interacting with freshies

i can fly!

last photo before going to prepare for last day's traditional games at 3am plus.

Our station "EXTREME MAKEOVER!" :D


All of us looked like ants.


Yours Truly! :D
24th Mar; Movie with SOD

And some of us head down to Zouk, so this happened after hardcore drinking.

hahaha! wasted ttm!
26mar; SSC Helpers gathering at Novena Steamboat

1st Apr; Suga Granny with Fish&Drn, Dina, Mel, and Mag for high tea!

chicken rice at Chinatown and once upon a milkshake after.





After food and more food, Dina Mag and me head down to Timbre to meet Mede, Chris, Hardi, Bush and Dzul.
My very first time at O'school Timbre! And we had Roasted Duck Pizza, RedBull Punches and beers! (: with alot of sabotages on "stage".
3rd Apr; Trey and Zul's bday celebration at Trey's place

SOD's shepard pie!

"Cutesy" cake for Trey, Blackforest for Zul.

Mahjong at Weileong's on the night of 4th June till 5th's morning.

6th Apr; Pastamania's D&D at Zirca instead of LUNA (:




With Wanpin and Flo.

FEP's Kitchen


NPT's Kitchen

I totally forgot that the PM dinner is on the same night when im supposed to meet BB, Mag, Wen, Kat&Wilson for XLB! So i rushed down to Holland V. after Zirca at about 830pm plusplus.


On 8th Apr, Mag and me did MediPedicure!

Met up with Dzul Khalish Hardi Chris and Ken at Plaza Sing to chillaxzx after.

And a little cam whoring with new nails at home! (:

Mahjong at Weileong's on 9th.
NPSSC SportsCamp 1011 Outing at Sentosa on 10th Apr.

Cafe del Mar

(: soonsoon!

Camwhoring at Vivo aftermath.

KAKI FUYONG with Maggie Tan and Weileong at Makan Place on 12th!

Rainbow on the way back! (:
Finally... it was the "WASTE YOUR MONEY AT ZOUK" WEDNESDAY! on 14th Apr. Got a room at Grand Copthrone and after seeing the very chio suite, it was thus named "WAH! THE ROOM IS FUCKING NICE" WEDNESDAY!

i havent got the rest of the photos yet. So i just post the 2 i have it up. heehee!

Checked out at about 1pm the next day with Weileong, Andrew and Issac. Kovan chicken rice for lunch after! (:
15th Apr; Frolick with Neo, dinner with darlings PX and YX at Holland V. XLB again!

The very mean Neo asked me to tag Dina at the spoon!

Green Apple, Original with Oreos

im sooo stuffed with those XLBssss!

20th Apr; K-Box with Mag and BB!

HAHAHA! This reminds me of BB's *PAUSEPAUSEPAUSE!

Mag came over to stayover and we skyped with BB.


end of CamWhoringSessionDotCom
anyway, yesterday: 19th Apr'10, Weileong, Andrew, Jon Png, Thomas Tan, Dowell and me went Simpang Spize for late night dinner! it was my first time to Spize Simpang by the way (:
we ordered like some feast event! haha both from Spize and the dim sum place beside it. Dowell recommended us the Aglio Olio Mushroom, which was tasty enough. while he ordered the one from the dim sum place, Aglio Olio Mushroom, to try it out. but it was quite a mistake. haha. its much cheaper than Spize's but quality likewise, Spize's much much better.
so while waiting for the food, we all kinda have like a twitter flooding session, again! cause when we were on our way there, Weileong was talking about hitting 500 tweets after his 3rd week on twitter. so he started saying about wanting to tweet something like "im on my way to fetch Andrew, on our way to Simpang Spize." and after picking Andrew up. "im on my way to fetch Dowell, still on our way to Simpang Spize." and after picking Dowell up, "still on our way to Simpang Spize" and Dowell kinda joined in by "im sitting beside Alv, on our way to Simpang Spize." and the list continues on "stopping at the traffic lights, still on our way to Simpang Spize." LOL. Bunch of twitter jokers aka flooders.
Epic moment in the car on the way home while we all were talking about facial products and Dowell said something about eyecream. Got this from Andrew's twitter: "
Dowell says to use warm eye cream to reduce eyebags and
Zoe Wong so smart say I have to boil the eyecream to use it? Hahahas."
tataXOXOs, Zoe