Wednesday, November 09, 2011
{ 3:02 AM }
What i did for October and November 2011!
P.S: Another lazy post of mine :3

Trouse Brothers with Andrea

Kite flying with BFF!
Zouk Phuture Code:Colour Clash event
With AFA

USS Halloween Horrors with LOVE AND BFF!
Only a handful of photos posted up :)

Halloween 2011!
My first time dressing up for Halloween :D And as Chun Li HIAKHIAKHIAK**

the cute Korean sailor we saw at Clarke Quay ^^

With Ivan

Mich's friends. Lololololl!

Have you met Leogazmicullen? HAHAHA



Hari Raya Haji at BFF's!

Sweet Lina!
Timmy And Randy's Farewell at HV Everything with Fries :)

So gona miss her!

The girls and Randy

Becky's birthday!
Mag's brithday celebration with Dina and Fish!

The 2 NOV13 babies; Jem and Mag!

Surprise BBQ dinner for LOVE

With Linh :)

Armstrong and Regina's private birthday celebration ^^


Surprise from LOVE, BFF AND PHELAN! ^^


BFF <3


Joint birthday celebration with DADDY NG and Trace mom!
Month of November is always been such a joyful month for me <3
Appreciate for the ones who are always there for me, the past half year was quite a torturous one for me to walk by. So I'm really blessed and thankful that I have each and single one of you!
I know there are times when I disappointed you guys so much that I have no freaking idea what to do with myself. But it was in the state of loss that I found out who are the ones that will and still eventually, stay by me to give me strength.
You guys know who you are, and I LOVE Y'ALL SO MUCH!
(P.S: Still at the beginning stage to take my first and small steps out of the ridiculous breakdown, so please, put up with some issues for the time being. I promised I'll get better)