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Its sparklypom poms, baby.


ngee ann polytechnic mechanical engineering
ex magnum force cheerleading team

because you saw me when i was invisible.


they roll mad deep yo.

haziq lim
teck sheng


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Thursday, April 26, 2012 { 7:42 PM }

Did I just woke up from a dream I've been dreaming of or was it that I've been thinking too much. Or was it the time of the month when hormones raging.

Actually got pissed off when people asked me to study hard for the same bloody paper and I don't know why.

And I don't get it when people (or myself) said I miss you, but we don't want (or rather not?) to do something about it. What's the purpose of just saying it?
Somebody do me a favor by enlightening me please.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012 { 1:21 PM }

Just met up with BFF for lunch even though he had his lunch like couple of hours ago. To meet me cause he said "If I don't meet you for lunch, you will still remember to take lunch uh?" :3

And just yesterday, BFF and I counted the days we literally spent together, 3 weeks straight.

For weekdays, he'd fetch and meet me after work to have dinner together. (no matter how tired he is)
Weekends, rolling around and chilling out together.

I'm one weird person that just spending time with him, doing practically nothing, makes me happy?
Okay, now when I typed it out, it seemed more outrageously retarded :/

Looking back, from where am I now, one thing its for sure that I'm definitely a much happier person than I was few months ago. Tell me how can I not smile and be the happiest person in my world where the constant (love) is there, one reason being I know that for every waking moments, he will be there for me too.

Then again, me being me, for every positive happy thing I have, I'd think of negative thoughts.
Cause sometimes, too much happiness can be frightening, because I feel the happiness will end soon.


Bimbo moment when BFF text me and said that message was a reply to my recent blog post. I was like huh? recent blog post? Turned out that this post was saved in the drafts instead :x he was referring to the blog post on 18th April 2012.

Thursday, April 19, 2012 { 11:50 AM }

All this uncertainty and doubts behind someone who has been giving you all the happiness.

Please tell me that this choice that I've chosen, will not be the one other mistake.
Too many thoughts I try to decode

Posted via Blackberry from Singtel!

Thursday, April 12, 2012 { 1:21 PM }

Watched The Vow with BFF yesterday.
So i thought the supposedly surprise movie today was gona be The Vow. and when we met up on tuesday for dinner at Marina Square, I was trying to "dig" out hints from you in regards to the surprise movie. "The Vow" just came out from my mouth and your first reaction was "huh no uh"

Yes I was indeed disappointed cause I thought you knew how badly I wanted to watch that show, but wasn't fast enough to change the disappointed facial expression on me, that you saw and asked.

But anyway, that's not the main point. The main point is I jolly well know how bad last weekend was, with all the harsh battle of emotions running through the both of us. and yet, I'm there, shamelessly feeling disappointed just cause the surprise movie wasn't the movie that I wanted to watch it so bad.
I said shamelessly because I knew that movie its gona rub salt into the wounds, and would expect a whirlwind of emotions coming out from you.

So yes, after the movie. Totally expected the crazy emotions running in you. I know it all.
But I choose to keep mum about it. Thats when I started thinking of my past mistakes. all the stupid mistakes I've done. How blind I was and all the negative thoughts just went with the flow.

You asked, we talked and stuff happened. I don't know what got us there, and if getting there help you in any way. I don't know if what I tried to do is right or wrong at the point in time. I just wish you can get better.

Now I realised how much confusion and hurt I've been causing you all this while when I constantly cried over D. I felt it on saturday morning after Afrojack's set.
The uncertainty, confusion and hurt is so much, so much.

Luckily for successful surprise chocolate buffet and Homemade Bbq late dinner with Mag and PhelanP that night, helps put your negative emotions away for the while.

Monday came, and it felt like a breather of fresh air. I know I need to stay strong and that's when I decided to send you a text every morning to remind you that I'll always be here, standing at the same spot. If ever, a time if you're walking away and got lost, just walk back the same path and I'll still be at the end of the path.

So happen, I heard Superman by Taylor Swift and I thought I could quote you a part of the lyrics and send you, coupled with a text message.
Tuesday and wednesday today tomorrow dayafter. I guess this is the best I can do


Tuesday, April 10, 2012 { 6:29 PM }

"I watched Superman fly away. You've got a busy day today, Go save the world, I'll be around"

I know its been a tough weekend and a couple of days for you to get yourself back up together. Sometimes keeping yourself busy is one way to put the wandering thoughts away. The other way is to share with someone you can always count on. You're not alone. Love!

Monday, April 09, 2012 { 12:38 PM }

Thank you for feeling better. Thank you for staying strong. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for always willingly to spend time with me. Thank you for wanting to spend time with me. Thank you for bringing me around even though I always nag at you

Thank you for sharing your troubles with me. Thank you for being there when everyone turned their back on

Thank youu for being my bff.
Thank you for being you

Friday, April 06, 2012 { 7:00 PM }

30th Mar, Haziq came over and we caught Battle Royale and Clash of the Titans together.
Prata for breakfast thereafter mini movie marathon heh heh .

31st Mar Supposedly meeting up with Faiz and Sabi together with Haziq for Timbre. Went Hard Rock Cafe with Haziq to chill (chill like old man) Hahahaha. Faiz and Sabi came down to Forum's Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Headed to Nana cause we wanted to have Chickywings. Saw Alan there. and we stayed there till close to 6 in the morning! Haziq accompanied me back home and cook me noodles :')

1st Apr: Happy April Fools!
Practically stayed at home the whole day and had Nasi Kukus with BFF for dinner :D

2nd Apr: Went down to Fajar to meet Apple cause we haven't seen each other for ten thousand years. Lol. Met up with SHUFAT at Bukit panjang after. Awesome catching ups :3

3rd Apr: Met up with BFF and his new company transport. We brought it to the car wash after dinner! :D
And I was getting all so excited it cause I haven't sat in a vehicle and "accompanied" it for a wash since a decade ago when Aunt's car was still servicing us haha..

4th Apr: Supposedly sushi dinner with Love, Sunhong and BFF but cancelled. So it was Mustafa shopping with BFF to revamp the van. Wooots! and virgin experience at Siam Kitchen YUMS!

5Apr: WRATH OF THE TITANS with BFF :D Personally feel that Clash of the titans is a better movie :/ Had desserts at ze famous Ah Chew Desserts in Bugis, chillax at Timbre substaion (again). BFF was craving for dim sum, so he wanted to go 126 at Sims ave. (the place he never got to eat HAHAHAHAHA) decided to chill for abit in the van first. and boom! the next thing we know, the sun is shining right in our faces.

Pretty much sums up my week to welcome April!